why do dogs tilt their head

Why do dogs tilt their head – explained

Who doesn’t love a cute dog head tilt? Especially those funny head tilts to the side when you play or make a strange sound around your dog. But aren’t you curious as to why do dogs tilt their head? Well, you landed on this post, so I assume you do. We will explain all the reasons dogs tilt their head and when you should be concerned.

Why do dogs tilt their head?

Let’s begin by explaining the general reasons behind a dog’s head tilt. Our ear can identify sounds from any direction without us having to turn our head in the direction. However, dogs cannot do the same despite having superior hearing. Because they may need to pivot their ear or adjust in the direction of the sound for their ear to properly identify it. Have you ever noticed it when you call your dog and their ear shoots in your direction like an antenna?

But what are the reasons why dogs tilt their head to the side? We have identified three main reasons. They are, to help them hear better, for a clearer sight, and because it’s a learned behavior. We will discuss each reason below in details to give you a better understanding of why dogs tilt their head.

Theory 1 : To aid their hearing

We discussed earlier that for dogs to hear sounds better they must tilt their head in the direction of the sound or turn. If you call your dog from the front, he might tilt his head to angle his ear in your direction. While if you are call from behind, he may turn around before tilting. However, if you’re beside him when calling he does not need to turn. Because his ears are located on the side of his head.

Overall, your dog’s ear is like a sound receiving antenna and your dog is adept at using it. For instance, a dog can estimate the distance of a sound by identifying the difference from one ear to the other. Therefore, by tilting their head and adjusting the sound from ear to ear your dog can tell the distance and direction of the sound.

Theory 2 : To see better

Other studies have determined that dogs may tilt their head to the side to see better. Because some dogs have long snouts it can limit their front on vision. While observing different groups of dogs it was identified that the dogs with longer snouts tilted their head more.

To better understand what it is like for dogs with long snouts let’s do a quick test. roll your hand into a fist and putting it to your nose and try looking straight Infront. Notice the slight hindrance? Now tilt your head to the side. Did you notice how your line of vision increased?  In a nutshell that’s the same for dogs and its worse for some breeds with long snouts. E.g., German Shepherds or hounds

Theory 3: reinforced reaction

Theory 2 explained how tilting their head to the side helps a dog to see better if hey have a long snout. But what causes even dogs with shorter snouts such as pugs, to tilt their head as well. If its not particularly to see better or hear better what else could it be?

This may simply be a learned reinforced  behavior. Think about it. How do you react when you dog tilts his head? If you are like most then you react with excitement, astonishment, or some positive action. Your dog detects the changes in your emotions and onetime has now associated tilting their head with positive reactions.

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When can a dog head tilt be cause for concern?

Outside of the 3 theories explained above there are some instances where a dog’s head tilt may be cause for concern. For example, if you notice your dog tilting his head more than the usual even without trying to communicate. Or just continuous spontaneous head tilts for no apparent reason this may be a sign of medical issue.

Ear infections may cause periodical head tilts as well as discomfort from your dog. If you notice your dog strangely tilting his head and behaving strangely even when there is no external stimulation. Take him to the vet for a check up just to be safe.

In Summary

Now you know dogs may tilt their head to hear better, see better, or just as a learned behavior. Thank you for sticking around to the end. Share this article with a friend and let’s teach more dog lovers why dogs tilt their heads.