Dogs are such fascinating yet loving creatures. We are constantly learning more about them each day but in the dog world there are 8 facts every dog owner should know about dogs. While certain behaviors may vary depending on the types of dogs. We have compiled a general list that covers a variety of dog breeds. So, without further dew here are 8 facts you should know about your dog.
A dog nose is far superior in smell

Dogs can process smell separately through each nostril. Their nose consists of over 300 million receptors, which enables them to pinpoint exactly where a specific smell is coming from. As if that wasn’t enough a dog’s sense of smell can also process past events. Yes, they can smell when you have been around other animals, or when a person walks by their proximity. Which is why some species of dogs are used to sniff out specific objects such as banned substances.
2. Dogs can read our feelings

A dog can tell when you are angry, stressed, or scared by picking up on scents given off by changes in your hormones. Ever noticed how your dog seems to know when you are down and shows you love? Or why experienced dog owner advice a person seeing a dog for the first time to not show fear.
3. A dog’s body temperature is higher that humans

Unlike people, who have a normal temperature of approximately 37 degrees Celsius. Your dog’s normal temperature is a bit higher ranging between 38-39 degrees Celsius.
4. Dogs need to be walked frequently

Generally, dogs are energetic animals, which gives them a storage of natural energy. So, when dogs just lay around the house, or does very limited activity this energy is going unused. They get mental motivation from a walk because they interact with their surroundings and meet new people and dogs. Walking your dog is also critical in nurturing socialization.
5. A dog can see more than black and white

In the past it was widely believed that dogs see only in black and white but recent studies suggest otherwise. While dogs have only 2 colour receptors in their eyes compared to 3 in humans, they are still able some color. A dog sees greyish brown, dark yellow, light yellow, greyish yellow, light blue and dark blue, respectively—basically a combination of yellow and blue.
6. Dogs sweat through their paws

Unlike human’s dogs sweat through their paws and not their skin. Overtime When sweat and bacteria build up on their feet, it gives off a distinctive scent. Keeping your dog’s paw clean is essential, especially in muddy or snowy surroundings. Dirty paws can conceal cuts or scratches on the paw pads, making it harder to tell when your dog is injured. Here are some pet safe products you can use to clean your dog’s paw.
7. A dog’s breath should not have an odor

Your dog’s breath should not have an odor to it. Similarly, to us humans’ bad breath in dogs occurs when bacteria build up in the mouth. Bad breath in dogs is generally caused gum disease. Extra preventative precaution you can take to prevent bad breath in your dog are:
- Brush you dog’s teeth often with a dog approved toothpaste
- Give your dog hard safe toys or treats
8. Barking is a way your dog communicates

Have you noticed that your dogs have different distinctive barks? Maybe he barks louder when there is danger, high pitched when playing, or howls when a siren passes. These are different barking patterns used to identify different situations. Your dog is not just barking to bark, so keep on the look out for changes in the way your dog barks.
Those are the 8 facts every dog lover should know about their dogs. Now that you know more about your fury friend do feel free to share with fellow dog lovers. How many of them did you already know? Did you learn anything new?